Thursday, May 7, 2015

Spring Time Stroll Through The University

spring, flowering trees, ornamental trees, blossom trees, campus, university campus, spring walk, spring campus walk

    These past few weeks have seen an explosion of spring color in and around my town.  All throughout the University of Oregon are perfect examples of this seasonal change, with the sudden budding and blooming of flowers on the ornamental trees and bushes spread throughout the campus.  I took a walk through there recently to get a glimpse of some of these beauties and, as usual, take some photographs.  My first stop was one of the libraries, called the University of Oregon Library and Memorial Quadrangle.  Above is its plum tree lined walkway (part of the 'quad') and the library building itself is below.

spring, spring stroll, spring blossoms, spring campus walk

spring, spring blossoms, ornamental spring blossom, campus walk, spring campus walk
The ornamental cherry tree above is located near Gerlinger Hall.  Aren't those 'pom pom'-like blossoms impressive?  I love how they dangle and seem to bounce, as if they are going to dance at any minute.

spring 2015, spring, spring blossoms, spring ornamental tree blossoms, spring campus walk, azalea blosoms

The University of Oregon School of Law has a magnificent line of blooming trees and bushes along the entire front of the building.  And below you can see a few details from the entranceway; a pink magnolia tree and some pink and white azalea bushes.

spring, magnolia, spring magnolia blossoms, spring 2015spring, magnolia, azalea, spring blossoms, spring 2015, spring magnolia blossoms, spring azalea blossoms, campus walk, spring campus walk
spring, magnolia, campus stroll, spring 2015, magnolia flower, magnolia blossom
spring, azalea, azalea flowers, azalea blossoms, magnolia, magnolia blossoms
spring, azalea, spring 2015, azalea flowers, azalea blossoms, spring stroll, campus walk
And here is a beautiful white flowered magnolia tree in the back courtyard of the Teaching and Learning Center, with its gorgeous blossoms wafting in the breeze:

spring, spring 2015, magnolia, magnolia blossoms, magnolia tree, magnolia flowers, spring campus stroll, campus walk

spring, spring 2015, magnolia, magnolia tree, magnolia blossoms, magnolia flowers, spring campus stroll, spring walk, spring flower viewing
spring, spring 2015, magnolia, magnolia flowers, magnolia blossoms, spring campus stroll, spring campus walk
With longer days and warmer temperatures, it is a pleasure to get outside and experience the vibrant colors of this wonderful spring season.


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